All Saints, Chedgrave

Dawn daily dawn to dusk.
Toilets nearby
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Grade I

Visit Website

Hardley Road, Chedgrave, Norwich, NR14 6NQ

All Saints Church perches on a rise in a pretty churchyard bordered by Scots pines. The small building is a charming mix of styles, with the Norman nave next to the red brick. The thatch-capped tower is Norman whilst the porch dates from the 1880s. Visitors are welcome to make tea and coffee in the kitchen and to use the toilet. Angels adorn the 15th century font. Of particular interest is the stained glass in the east window. It was brought from Rouen Cathedral during the French Revolution. The Church Centre may be booked for meetings.

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