All Saints, Weston Longville

Open daily dawn to dusk.
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Rood screen
Wall painting
Grade I

Visit Website

Church Road, Weston Longville, Norwich, NR9 5JU

All Saints' Church has a 13th century tower and a 14th century chancel. Notice the beautiful tracery of the windows. Strangely, the shield of the Company of French Merchant Adventurers adorns the porch. Inside, have a look at the 14th century wall painting in the north aisle depicting a Jesse Tree (Jesus' family lineage). Other wall paintings by the chancel arch feature St John the Baptist and St John. Also of interest is the 15th century rood screen. All Saints' Church is known for its famous parson, Reverend James Woodforde who served the parish for 27 years from 1776. He kept a diary for 45 years, providing a fascinating insight into rural parish life. Reverend James’ captivating diary became well known once it was published in five volumes between 1924-1931. The diary covers a wide range of topics from his meals, purchases, interpersonal difficulties, village fairs, care of the poor, and national and international affairs.

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