St Andrew and St Peter’s, Blofield

Open daily dawn to dusk.
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Wheelchair accessible
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Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Rood screen
Grade I

Visit Website 360° tour

Church Road, Blofield, Norwich, NR13 4NA

St Andrew’s and St Peter’s is a grand church with one of the tallest towers in Norfolk. Look up at the flushwork and the armorial shields on the battlements. There are huge belfry windows and the sound holes have honeycomb tracery. The north porch used to have an upper room which was used as the village school for many years. Step inside and enjoy the grand interior with its high arcades. Notice that the bay on the far eastern side of the south aisle has slipped and a large transverse aisle has been inserted to take the weight. There is a memorial in the chancel to Edward Paston who was part of the court of Henry VIII. The medieval font depicts events in the life of Christ.

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