St Andrew’s, Blo Norton

Open daily 10am - 4pm.
Wheelchair accessible
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Grade II*

Visit Website

Church Lane, Blo Norton, IP22 2JE

St Andrew's Church dates from the 13th century and originally shared a churchyard with St Margaret's which was taken down in 1394. The tower was heightened in the early 15th century. Inside, notice the memorial commemorating Frederick Victor Duleep Singh, son of the Maharaja Duleep Singh. In 1854 the Royal Family of the Punjab were exiled by the Imperial Government of India and later acquired the Elveden Estate near Thetford. Maharajah Duleep Singh is buried in Elveden churchyard and Sikh religious leaders have made several attempts to have his remains returned to India. Frederick lived at Blo' Norton Hall, which was his favourite residence, and was a regular communicant in St Andrew's Church. His sisters lived in the village from time to time in a house he purchased for them.

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