St Bartholomew’s, Brisley

Open daily dawn to dusk.
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Wall painting
Grade I

Visit Website

Church Street, Brisley, Dereham, NR20 5AA

The soaring landmark of St Bartholomew's four stage Perpendicular tower can be seen from far and wide. The interior of the church is a rich rustic treasure trove of original features. It spared the over-restoration undergone by many of East Anglia's largest 15th century churches. As a result, the nave has original bosses and wall plates with timbered medieval roofs in the aisles. The 15th century benches display idiosyncratic bench ends including a dog with a goose in its mouth. Of interest too is the three-decker pulpit and corner bench from 1590. Ogee arches accentuate the piscina and sedilia up in the chancel. Notice the tiny pelicans and fighting lions on the capitals. Some wall paintings remain depicting St Christopher and St Andrew. There are slits at ground level towards the east end of the chancel looking into the crypt, which would have stored bones. It was later used to accommodate prisoners overnight on the long journey from King's Lynn assizes to the gallows in Norwich. The crypt has been recently repaired and is open to visitors to explore.

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