St Giles’s, Colby

Open Saturdays and Sundays during the summer months. A key is available at other times as indicated on a notice in the porch.
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Grade II*

Visit Website 360° tour

Long Lane, Colby, NR11 7EE

St Giles' Church has a tall, predominantly 14th century tower, which reveals its location amongst the fields to the visitor. The 15th century porch features flushwork and depictions of St George and the angel Gabriel. The north aisle was demolished in 1749. Take time to look at the interesting 15th century font and notice the Evangelistic symbols, St Giles with his symbol, the hind, kneeling donors and the Virgin and Child. At the west end of the nave is a richly embroidered framed 19th century velvet altar frontal. Also of interest is the 15th century stained glass in the east window. The two angels standing on wheels derive from Ezekiel 10 'go in among the wheels beneath the cherubim.'

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