St Margaret’s, Burgh St Margaret
Keyholder details are displayed in the porch or phone 01493 369689 to discuss your access requirements.
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Important stained glass
Grade II*
Main Road (A1064), Burgh St Margaret, NR29 3AG
This church building is often locked but a key is available nearby. There will be a notice in the church porch with details of where the key is held.
Burgh St Margaret is the name of the parish, whilst Fleggburgh is the name of the village. The majority of this church has been rebuilt, resulting in a faux medieval church in both exterior and interior. Entry remains via a Norman doorway complete with zig-zag arch decoration. The real gem is the striking modern east window with its bold blocky colours and simplistic design. St Margaret with her dragon, St Luke with his ox and the Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven stand proudly. Amongst the brightly painted roof bosses inside the church, one bears the Royal Arms and another shows the Arms of the See of Norwich. In the medieval period the rents from a plot of two roods of land, called Plow Light half-acre, were used to pay for a candle (known as the Plough Light) to be kept burning perpetually in the chancel. There is a record of an ancient brass which was in the church referring to the late Edward Peake who died in 1705. He bequested a Penny Loaf to be given to each child attending the village primary school, a tradition still carried out today. Approximately a mile to the north east of St Margaret's, in the middle of a field, lie the decayed ruins of the Saxon tower of St Mary's church.Incorrect information? Update this entry