St Mary’s, North Elmham

Open daily from 8am to 6pm.
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Rood screen
Wall painting
Grade I

Visit Website

Holt Road , North Elmham, NR20 5JU

The church of St Mary dates from the late 11th century with a 16th century clerestory and tower. It is adjacent to the site of the See’s first Cathedral, transferred to Thetford in 1071. The ruins of a Norman bishop’s manor house are now in the guardianship of English Heritage. Within the church are fine 16th century bench ends, a 15th century screen and associated wall painting, and a pulpit and communion table carved in the 1630s. A few windows contain fragments of medieval glass.

Wheelchair access with assistance.

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