St Mary’s, Winfarthing

Open daily dawn to dusk.
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Grade I

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Church Lane, Winfarthing, IP22 2EA

St Mary's Church is a small, well-proportioned church set in the rolling fields of South Norfolk. The stained glass of the northwest window in the nave makes reference to a local legend. It depicts 'The Good Swerde of Winfarthing' which was once displayed in the south aisle chapel. The story goes that a knight murdered his rival and sought refuge in the church, leaving his sword behind when he fled. It was then regarded as a relic and became a focus for pilgrimage which may explain the rebuilding in the 14th century. Its whereabouts is unknown. Another curiosity is the font. The lower half is Norman and the upper half is Victorian, resulting in an unusual hybrid! Look out for the medieval glass fragments in two roundels near the top of the east window.

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