St Nicholas, North Walsham

Open daily dawn to dusk.
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Rood screen
Grade I

Visit Website 360° tour

Market Place, North Walsham, NR28 9BT

A large church in the centre of the market town of North Walsham. Built in the C14 and is one of the largest churches in the UK. The tower was the second tallest in Norfolk until its partial collapse in 1724. Fascinating history with an audio trail in the church for visitors illustrating features of the building and a history of the church relevant to the tower. Painted reredos, monument to Sir William Paston, founder of what is now Paston College, furnishings by Cornish and Gaymer of North Walsham. Historic communion tables: C16 post Reformation table, Georgian table and 1875 table carved by Charles Simpson when aged only 16 years. Rare Commonwealth Arms board with those of Charles II on the reverse. The Paston Way either ends or starts in North Walsham and the long distance Weaver's Way passes through the town. For more information visit file:///C:/Users/Paul/Downloads/Weavers%20Way%20map.pdf

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