St Ethelbert’s, East Wretham
Key readily available locally, details in porch.
Toilets nearby
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Wall painting
Grade II*
This church building is often locked but a key is available nearby. There will be a notice in the church porch with details of where the key is held.
Grade II* listed and lovingly cared for. The church was 150 years old in 2015 and is a beautiful example of Victorian church style. It features an Edwin Lutyens memorial to a fallen local soldier. The work of the Revd. James Park Whalley, Rector at its rebuild and son-in-law to the Wyrley-Birch family, who endowed the church. and which can be seen in wall paintings, the organ casing and the outstanding font cover. There is information relating to the Czech and Polish war graves in the churchyard.
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