St Helen’s, Ranworth

Open daily dawn to dusk.
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Rood screen
Grade I

Visit Website 360° tour

Woodbastwick Road, Ranworth, Norwich, NR13 6HT

St Helen's Church is known as the Cathedral of the Broads. The Antiphoner is of great interest. It is a beautifully illuminated service book containing the words and music for the Divine Office (the daily cycle of devotions). The book was donated to the church in the 15th century but was banned from use in the 16th century. Passing through the hands of several private owners, the Antiphoner reappeared in a London bookshop and was returned to St Helen's Church in 1912. The church is famous for its 15th century rood screen, which the Society of Antiquities has described as the best in the country. On the central screen, either side of the chancel arch, are portraits of the Twelve Apostles. Other figures include the Archangel Michael wearing a regal feathered garment, St Etheldreda, St Barbara, St Thomas Becket and St Lawrence. Parcloses project at right angles to the screen to define the two side chapels. Look closely at the exquisite detail and delicate brushwork. The screen survived the iconoclasm during the English Reformation. The pulpit is thought to be Elizabethan, with linenfold carving. Don't miss the misericords in the chancel. These hinged seats offered support to clergy standing during the eight daily services. The four 15th century misericords may have come from St Benet's Abbey. Visitors may climb the tower for a spectacular view over the Broads. On a clear day the lighthouse at Happisburgh can be spotted. The tower is almost 100 feet tall and accessed by a narrow winding stone staircase and two ladders that lead past the bells and up to the trap door. The Visitor Centre next to St Helen's Church offers light refreshments and is open Monday -Thursday 10.30am - 4.30pm, Easter to end of October. Saturday and Sunday 2pm -5pm January to end of November.

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