St Mary’s, Martham

Open daily dawn to dusk.
Toilets nearby
Wheelchair accessible
Shop(s) or amenities nearby
Parking nearby
Footpath, trail or cycle route
Important stained glass
Angel roof
Grade I

Visit Website 360° tour

Black Street, Martham, NR29 4PR

Martham is the largest and most splendid of the medieval parish churches of the Flegg area of East Norfolk. It was dubbed 'The Cathedral of the Fleggs' by Bishop Sheepshanks when he visited in the 1890s. The nave has a fine hammer beam roof with magnificent carved angels, excellent medieval stained glass windows made in Norwich, a rare seven sacrament font and a fine C19 chancel with stained glass windows made by Hardman of Birmingham and magnificent stone carving much admired by Sir John Betjeman when he came to make the film about Norfolk Churches.

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