St John the Baptist’s, Alderford

Open daily dawn to dusk
Parking nearby
Grade II*
On a bus route 24 (Norwich - Fakenham)
45 | 45A (Norwich - Holt)

Visit Website

Hall Road, Alderford, Norwich, NR9 5NF

This church building is often locked but a key is available nearby. There will be a notice in the church porch with details of where the key is held.

The thin shape and small bell openings of the tower of St John the Baptist’s Church create an enhanced sense of height. The church has Norman origins but dates predominantly to the 14th century, with two styles of Perpendicular windows being added later. Step inside and marvel at the Seven Sacrament font, one of sixteen such fonts in Norfolk, depicting baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, confession (notice the feathery angel driving the devil away), marriage, ordination and extreme unction (last rights). The eighth side features the crucifixion or baptism of Christ, and at Alderford it is the former. The reredos may have been formed of panels from the former rood screen. Take a look at the door knocker – it’s been there for over six hundred years.

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