St Mary’s, Snettisham by Matthew McDade

St Mary’s, Snettisham

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Important stained glass
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Grade I

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St Mary’s, Snettisham by Matthew McDade
Old Church Road, Snettisham, Kings Lynn, PE31 7NA

The architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner called St Mary's Church "the most exciting 14th Century Decorated church in Norfolk." The church, with its 175ft tower and spire, sits on high ground above the village, and was often used a landmark by sailors navigating The Wash. It is one of only five spires in Norfolk. It was largely rebuilt after a storm in 1895. In the churchyard are the remains of the medieval chancel. St Mary's is thought to be the first English church damaged by a German bomb, dropped in January 1915. It landed in a nearby field and blew out some of the church's windows.

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